The Week of June 17, 2013
(In Review)
1. Work on finishing the Building Blocks BOM that was sponsored by
The Village Quilter in Mt Holly, NJ.
1. Work on finishing the Building Blocks BOM that was sponsored by
The Village Quilter in Mt Holly, NJ.
This quilt consists of twelve 9" blocks and twelve 6" blocks with sashing and setting triangles set on point.
I am hoping to find one of the fabrics I used in the quilt top for the backing.
2. Start cutting the background fabric for
I am using a white dotted swiss fabric for the background. I still haven't decided on the colors for this quilt but with a white background I am sure I will use bright colors.
3. Begin working on a little quilt called "Square Dance."
4. Work on a few paper pieced Dancing Stars blocks.
This block measures 6 1/2" unfinished. This Quilt Along is sponsored by Amy Ellis of Amy's Creative Side.

5. Work on the May and June blocks for my
Paper Pieced Heart Sampler.
I did not get to this project.
6. Work on the following BRODY Projects.
Blue Dresden Plate Quilt
Roll Roll Cotton Boll
Lazy Sunday
String of Pearls
The only BRODY Project I finished was Hopscotch in Neutrals.
This is an Alex Anderson quilt pattern distributed by JWD Publishing that I purchased a few years ago. It wasn't until I finished all 100 blocks (6 1/2") that I realized there was a mistake in the pattern.
I figured that the publishers would want to know about the mistake so I went on the JWD website to send an email. As I looked around the website I found the correction to the pattern. I guess someone had already informed them of the error.
Unfortunately I discovered the correction way too late for my quilt. I was not about to deconstruct all those blocks and redo them. I ended up just taking my 100 mis-constructed blocks and joining them randomly to make a 60" X 60" lap quilt top.
It looks okay mostly because it is very scrappy to begin with, but I am disappointed that it does not have the same effect as the original pattern.
I made a little progress on the other four projects.
7. Spend 3 days with little Ryder.
8. Attend the Byrne $5 Quilt Class.
9. Continue to work on hand tacking some bindings.
10. Attend Strip Club at The Village Quilter in Mt. Holly, NJ.
I was unable to attend Strip Club because my DH had to use our car. We have been able to get by with only one car for quite a long time mostly because my DH is able to ride his bike to work/school.
Unfortunately the time of the baseball game that he coaches was changed and so he had to take the car during Strip Club. I was disappointed but hopefully I will be able to go next month.
The Week of June 24, 2013
1. Finish the nine "Dancing Stars" blocks that I did not finish last week.
2. Work on the May and June blocks for my
Paper Pieced Heart Sampler.
3. Work on the following BRODY Projects:
Roll Roll Cotton Boll
Lazy Sunday
String of Pearls
Square Dance
4. Make a trip to The Village Quilter in Mt. Holly, NJ to pick up my strip club pattern and purchase backing fabric for Building Blocks BOM.
5. Continue to work on hand tacking some bindings.
6. Celebrate our 32nd Wedding Anniversary with my DH. I'm not sure what we will do on this day so I will report on our day next week.
7. Work on some blocks for the Skill Builder Block of the Month sponsored by Alyssa Lichner of Pile O' Fabric.

8. Try to find a pattern for a 5 yard bundle of coordinating fabric that I have.
9. Work on Lesson #1 for Aiming for Accuracy Quilt Along.

10. Embroider Ryder's name on a beach towel he received for his birthday.
It looks like a busy week ahead.
Until Next Time.....Happy Stitching!!!