Make-A-List Monday
It is hard to believe that March is more than half-way through. It has been a very busy week, so let's see how I did with last week's list:
The Week of March 12, 2012
1. Finish piecing two baby boy gift quilts. I finished piecing the tops of these two with a dinosaur theme and one with an airplane theme. One son told me that one of the babies is a girl. I'm positive he said two baby boys. EEERRRRRRR! Oh well, no problem. I'm sure you can guess who will get the other baby boy quilt. Is it possible for a grandson to have too many quilts?
2. Complete four labels for quilts I have recently finished. I finished all labels and have attached them to the quilts.
3. Work on my Stella and Stonehenge blocks for PQW Saturday Sampler.
I love the way they turned out.
4. Make two blocks for the Quilt Square Quilt Along.
These little 12 1/2" squares are made from a pattern by Lori Smith. Aren't they CUTE?
5. Attend The American Quilter's Society Lancaster Quilt Show and The Lancaster Spring Quilt Show in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
I was able to attend these shows on Wednesday 3/14. I took lots of pictures and posted them in my Wordless Wednesday post on that date. Here is a picture of the Best of Show.
The applique and quilting was amazing. Congratulations! All the quilts were just gorgeous.
This is always a fun class and the quilts they make from 2 1/2" strips are always so pretty.

I can't wait to get started on this quilt. Unfortunately I have so much going on, it might be a while.
Now...for this week's list:
The Week of March 19, 2012....
1. Make four scarves from left-over batik fabric. I recently made some jackets that produced a lot of left-over fabric. I hope to find a way to turn this fabric into scarves.
2. Finish piecing two Quilts for Kids and quilt them.
3. Begin work on four baby girl gift quilts. There seems to be sooooo many people we know having babies.
Although there are only four things on this list I have a feeling I will be very busy this week.
Until Next Time.....Happy Stitching!!!
wow that's quite a list for a week! I'm curious to see how you will make scarves out of scraps, be sure to post about it